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Consent and Autonomy: Do no harm to the innocent, but do what you will otherwise.

Karma: Whatever actions you take send energy out into the universe. This same energy will return to you many fold.

Balance: Seek balance in all things – - giving/taking, acceptance/ action, protection/openness, thinking/feeling, self/other.

Empowerment and Action: We have the power to bring about positive change in our lives and in the world around us.

Humility and Tolerance: We are all equal in the eyes of the Divine. We must respect all spiritual seeking and paths.

Communication: Open, caring, nonjudgmental communication is the basis of all loving and trusting relationships.

Community: The circle is a family. We are bound to honor and support each other.

Service: We must give in equal measure to the gifts that we receive.

Leadership: Leaders should nurture the following qualities: belief, knowledge, ability, humility, patience, tolerance, inner balance, and a loving nature.

Worship: A larger energy than that which we can achieve individually is created when we gather together and celebrate the Divine during the progression of the Wheel of the Year.


* Altered from The Circle Of The Sacred Well

The Eight Sabbats: Samhain (November 1st), Yule (December 21st-23rd), Imbolc (February  2nd), Ostara (March 21st-23rd), Beltane (May 1st), Litha (June 21st-23rd),  Lughnasadh  (August 1st), Mabon (September 21-23rd).

The Esbats (celebration of the lunar cycle).

We also gather frequently to meet and circle as necessary.

Must have time to study on their own, in addition to group meetings, rituals, and workings.

Must come to at least 75% of workings. Attendance is very important, you cannot learn if you are not there. We meet at least twice a month and on the Sabbats.

Must keep the Sabbats and Esbats to the best of your abilities

Must follow all laws and bylaws. Expected to listen to the advice of others.

Must dress appropriately for workings and bring what was asked of them.

Must contribute something to the coven at all times. No one will grow if you attend with nothing to share or nothing to say.

Must be respectful to other practitioners and loyal to the group.

Must be in good mental standing. Must be self-confident and be comfortable with their position inside the coven. If they do not agree with something, they are expected to express their opinions with the High Priestess or to the coven itself.

Teach only what you know, to the best of your ability, to those students who you choose, but teach not to those who would use your instructions for destruction or control. Also, teach not to boost pride. Forever remember: She who teaches out of love shall be enfolded in the arms of the Gods.

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